The ONLY Chatbot Built for Small Business Owners Who Want to:

Build an Email List quickly.
And Explode Their Sales With Just ONE line of code.

Chatbot Preview

Low Conversion Rate? ..Let's Fix This TODAY!

Are you already into Affiliate Marketing / Online Business but Struggling to get Sales?

Are you fade up of spending lot of time and money but still not able to generate Quality Leads who can purchase your Product?

THEN this message is for YOU.

You might heard about Chatbots on major news channels like CNN and Fox News.

  • Mark Zuckerberg revealed Chatbots will be the secret to Facebook's success over the next FEW YEARS.
  • Billion dollar companies like Amtrak are already using Chatbots to get ROIs of 800% or more.
  • By 2030, 60% of companies will spend more on Bots than on mobile apps.
  • By next year, the average person will have more chat with Bots than with their spouse!
  • Gartner predicts that chatbots will power 85 percent of all customer service interactions by the year 2025
  • 50+% of consumers would rather connect with a company via live chat than any other mean of contact.
  • 57% of consumers are interested in chatbots for their instantaneity.
  • 40% of consumers want to see more companies using chatbots.
  • 55% of consumers are interested in interacting with a business using messaging apps to solve a problem.
  • 95% of consumers believe 'customer service' is going to be the major beneficiary of chatbots.

  • SOLUTION? Read on...

    Why Chatbots?


    Chatbots are software applications that are programmed to send messages to users in a conversational interface, much like a live chat agent. They act like human agents and are used to interact with your site visitors.

    They can complete a number of tasks that your visitors might require, whether it be pointing them to the right product of interest, helping direct them through to your sales funnel or team, or taking a booking or reservation.

    There is no end to what you can get a chatbot to do for you and your business. Ultimately they can act like a digital agent on your site, interacting with as many visitors as you have on your site at any one time and working 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and 52 weeks a year!


    We Build The Customized Chatbots For YOUR BUSINESS!

    Here are some demo Chatbots..!

    Click on the images below to preview the Chatbot DEMO and see how chatbot will work on your website (Or we can also create a full-page chatbot for your business).

    Get Chatbot Now

    Our Chatbots Works With All Major Platforms Like..

    "Our Chatbots Works With All These Marketing Platforms!"

    "Reduce your marketing cost and save 1000's of Dollar monthly!"

    Get Wise About Your Marketing

    Chatbot is an incredibly powerful way to get more customers WITHOUT spending thousands of money on Live Chat agents.

    Most local businesses can’t afford to develop Chatbots for their own Website and their own brand.

    It’s highly sophisticated technology and it costs THOUSANDS and THOUSANDS of dollars to develop.

    It is a complete D4U service. You can use it to easily create your brand, custom Bot for your business WITHOUT any technical knowledge or special skills.

    We builds D4U Bots which are designed to help any business to get more leads and customers.

    You don't need to spend Thousands of dollars on human chat agent. Every penny you save is counted towards your profits.

    Our Chatbot team will work with you to build your converting Bot and to optimize anytime you want..

    Order Your Bot

    What Do You Do If the Prospect Says NO?

    Use our live chatbot services to engage with visitors and ask sales-oriented questions.

    Guide them to what they’re looking for on your website/store, and help through the buying process to complete the sales.

    You can also offer personalized instant discounts to potential buyers to make instant sales, and so much more!

    And of course, you can easily build a subscriber list from visitors who are just browsing your store, so you can get them back later via email. Just ask them for their email address in return for a coupon or other promo!

    Save THOUSANDS of dollars per month on live chat agents by delpoying our chatbot.

    No hectic coding. Copy-Paste a snippet of HTML code to your website to go live instantly.

    FREE upadtes any time. (We can update your chatbot content as per your need for free).

    YES! Get My Bot

    "No hectic-coding required. Get your Bot Agent LIVE in just "One Line of Code".

    Step #1: Order Your D4U Bot

    Step #2: Put a Snippet of code

    Step #3: Drive Traffic & Enjoy

    Are You An Affiliate? 321% Higher Conversions Using CHATBOTS...

    As an affiliate, you know you can't edit any affiliate page. You can ONLY promote their default affiliate pages. Right?

    What if you able to add your chatbot to their affiliate page? What if you offer bonuses, free gift thru chatbot? Your affiliate page will convert more people into sales or will join your free offers or take bonuses and become your leads or customers.

    "On the other hand, if somebody purchase thru your this affiliate link, sales also credited to you. We have created a short video for you, see below."

    Hijack Sales Now

    Order Your D4U Customized Chatbot NOW!


    Only$47 $27 ONE PAYMENT

    • D4U Chatbot for your website to engage visitors, capture leads and drive sales without sales agent!
    • Add your chatbot to any affiliate page you promote (Beneficial for Affiliate Marketers).
    • Get Upto 1000 2000 BOTs Conversations.
    • FREE Bot updates Anytime.
    • Autoresponder Integration.
    • Without Our Branding (Logo Removed).

    60 Days Money-Back Guarantee

    You're fully protected by our 60 day money-back guarantee.

    Unless you're 100% satisfied you'll get an instant refund with no questions asked.

    If you don't like our chatbot or customer service, you can cancel your plan at any time without notice.

    OK! Let's Checkout

    Frequently Asked Questions

    A conversation occurs when a visitor interacts at least once with your chatbot. Simply opening (or automatically loading) your chatbot does not count as a conversation.

    Also, if your visitor opens your chatbot and then interacts with it multiple times, it only counts as one conversation. This applies to all the different kinds of chatbots (widget/embedded/full page/popup).

    If you have your own website better. We asume you are doing your business with your brand website. But if you don't have a website, you can use our pull-page chatbot version on our domain (Usefull for newbies Affiliate).

    Not at all. We build your customized chatbot and provide you a snippet of HTML code that only you need to put in the header section of your website or blog. Is that simple?

    It will help increase your website’s conversion rate through automated chat. It can get you significantly more leads than a contact form or registration form.
    It will work 24/7 without you or your sales agent automatically. It can significantly increase your sales through higher engagement.
    It can also be used for customer support, discount offers, bookings, quizzes and lots more.

    NOT with this service. You will need to purchase agency liecense. But we can update your bot as per your requirement as and when you required.

    Our aim is to provide chatbot for any normal marketer who can't afford to invest $1000's per month on chat agent. We understand the pain of marketers. We want our customers to be happy and support us too. These are the promotional prices. We may increase the prices any time.

    So lock in your chatbot at this low cost forever or pay more later.

    Yes. One time price for this product is $47. You are getting it for ONLY $27 today (Limited time).

    Yes! Though we maually build your chatbot and customize it according to your website need, we host your chatbot on our server, we give you full refund if you cancel your subscription within 30 days of purchase. It may take 4-5 business days to process your refunds.

    Read our Refund Policy.

    Yes! Let us know that you want to upgrade or downgrade your subscription anytime. We'll happy to assist you.

    Order Risk Free

    "You don't need even your website. Get Full-Page Bot URL. Or Put your Bot on any affiliate link that you are promoting."